System configutation:
- 4 video channels
- 500G storage - 1 day 720x480 @ 30fps or 30 days 320x240 @5fps
- RDBMS/Web/File server
- Video Streaming server
- One 4U rack mountable case
- Up to 1000 video channels per cluster - unlimited clusters
- 6 channels at 720x480 at 30 frames/sec per video grabber unit
- NTSC or PAL video input
- M-JPEG compression 1:15
- 1TB of storage for 10 days per camera at full resolution in high motion area
- Export video using AVI format , or single images using JPEG format
- Real-time view from any camera using client software
- Secure authenticated user access (SSL) based on user role
- Instant browse and archive search by date/time or alarm condition
- Alarm event notification by e-mail or pager
- Record on pre-programmed schedule, or on alarming condition
- Alarm events generated on motion, on video loss, or by activation of an external sensor
- NTP synchronization with time standards (like US Government's NIST)
- Data storage on internal/external network devices managed by SQL RDBMS
- RDBMS capacity monitoring
- Purge obsolete video data automatically